
Red Cross Blood Drive

When (Date)
All-Purpose Room

The Red Cross will be holding a blood drive that is open to the public.  You can save up to 3 lives just by donating blood.  Adults and teens 16 and over are eligible to donate.  Visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to register for an appointment between 10am and 3pm.  You can also drop by to see if there are any openings to donate.  Thank you for saving lives!

Slime or Salve ?

When (Date)

School has started, so teens think about it what would you like more; glittery slime to squeeze or a soothing salve for your skin? Here is your chance to make one of them. Come to the front desk of the library and tell them which one you want to make at home. Available while supplies last.

Teen Anime Otaku

When (Date)
Fine Arts Center

Back by popular demand! Anime & Manga fans, we watch Anime and we talk about it while making crafts and snacking. Interested? Register here and email Miss Alicia at teen@mcmillanlibrary.org to get more details.