McMillan Memorial Library 2015-2020 Plan of Service
Mission: Strengthening our community through lifelong learning.
McMillan Memorial Library provides the following educational and cultural services:
Print and Audiovisual Materials Meeting Rooms
Electronic Resources Exhibitions
Staff Expertise Special Events
Community Commons Area
Goal: Provide resources and programming to support learning and literacy through all stages of life.
McMillan Memorial Library will actively support literacy in its many forms including reading, information and technology, financial, global and cultural. We will provide access to resources and programming that will allow our community to attain their goals and ambitions as well as pursue their curiosities. To meet these goals we will actively develop our collection, our technology offerings, and our ability to utilize and showcase our community’s expertise.
- Objective: The print collections will be evaluated and reshaped to meet the changing demands of the community. Collections will be evaluated on a three year cycle.
- Objective: Develop relationships with community partners and local experts that will allow us to offer ongoing literacy programming to the community.
- Objective: Technology offerings will be evaluated biennially to ensure that they remain current and state of the art.
- Objective: All digital resources will be evaluated annually for value, use and effectiveness.
Goal: Refocus library community building efforts.
McMillan Memorial Library is a community centered institution serving as a partner to local government and organizations as well as a neutral space where community members can gather, discuss, learn and be inspired. In addition we work with our community and library system to ensure our collections and resources meet the needs of our users.
- Objective: Improve relationships and work in partnership with local organizations (e.g. Incourage, United Way and Arts Council), as well as with local businesses, public and private schools, and Mid-State Technical College as appropriate.
- Objective: Work with Library staff as needed to help them build the skills to create and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with local community organizations.
- Objective: To improve community access to educational and cultural opportunities through collaboration with other community organizations and community experts.
Goal: Develop Library as hub for content creation in the community.
McMillan Memorial Library will provide spaces and resources where people can come together to collaborate, create and innovate. We will work with our community and local organizations to preserve, organize and disseminate local events, history and culture to our community. The Library will facilitate content creation by developing relationships with local community experts and instructors.
- Objective: The Library will create a digital media studio.
- Objective: The Library will develop programming to develop creative talents.
- Objective: The Library will expand existing relationships with local historical groups to capture local history.
- Objective: Including an intergenerational component in content creation will be a priority.
Goal: Provide our community members dynamic youth services.
McMillan Memorial Library will provide youth in our community access to materials and services that serve to inspire a love of learning based on best practices from education and child development experts. The library will participate in efforts that ensure all members of our community are offered the same educational opportunities.
- Objective: Assist families and childcare providers in preparing children (birth - K) for reading by developing library programs such as 1000 Before K and joining community efforts such as Every Child Ready to Read and/or Reach Out and Read.
- Objective: Develop connections to daycares to provide access to library resources and services to children who may not otherwise be able to access the library.
- Objective: Provide an enriched learning environment for older children and teens (Grades 6-12) by offering a supportive and safe community space, with programming that will encourage creativity and skill-building in terms of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) as well as general life skills.
- Objective: Provide additional interactive learning opportunities by adding tools and technologies allowing children to utilize multiple learning styles including visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes.
- Objective: Develop and implement a phased plan to transition the WoodTrust Bell Foundation Garden into an environmental learning center.
Goal: Continue to develop specialized services to meet the needs of community members who may be underserved or cannot access library resources.
McMillan Memorial Library will provide services to local community members that are unable to access library materials due to physical or financial limitations. We will work to develop relationships with community members who may not be utilizing library resources due to cultural perceptions.
- Objective: Reach out to populations that may not feel comfortable using the library or local government in general, starting with the Hmong and Hispanic communities.
- Objective: Continue to develop outreach programs to ensure community access to library materials through all stages of life.
- Objective: Work to ensure programming is inclusive to all members of the community and creates a forum for people to share their experiences across boundaries.
Goal: Maintain a knowledgeable, creative and engaged Staff.
McMillan Memorial Library will place a priority on developing our team members to their fullest potential by investing in professional development both internally and in conjunction with educational offerings at the system, state and national level.
- Objective: Reenergize professional staff by diversifying responsibilities to include facilitation, programming and project management.
- Objective: Work with professional staff to set new supervisory expectations and develop their supervisory and coaching abilities.
- Objective: Examine the roles of support staff and look for ways their education and experience can be better utilized by the library thereby creating more vesting in day-to-day library operations.
Goal: Increase public awareness of library offerings and the role McMillan Memorial Library plays in our community.
McMillan Memorial Library will continue to develop its marketing and promotional materials to ensure that community members are aware of the programming and materials the library offers. We will work with local organizations to expand the library’s network to reach audiences that may be unaware of library resources.
- Objective: Review the current library website to determine its best use as a communication channel to our community members.
- Objective: Develop best practices for use of social media that will allow the library to showcase local programming and culture.
- Objective: Develop relationships with local media outlets to most effectively use them to tell the story of the library.
Goal: Ensure Library building and grounds meet the needs and expectations of our community members.
McMillan Memorial Library will actively develop the library space in ways that meet and adapt to the changing needs of our community. We will strive to create flexible spaces that can be changed to integrate new uses, technologies and programming.
- Objective: To examine all existing spaces in terms of any changed priorities.
- Objective: Develop a working inventory of all library technology resources as well as a replacement plan to ensure obsolescence is accounted for in proposed budgets.
- Objective: Undertake a complete examination of current meeting room policies as they affect potential use.
- Objective: Take steps toward a more sustainable facility. Develop a plan for gradual conversion to LED lighting. Explore the potential for power generation and reducing power usage.
- Objective: Develop a priority list for non-capital projects, such as energy efficient lighting, replacement of furniture, and equipment.
Goal: Ensure long term sustainability for the library through continued governance and funding development.
The Library Board will ensure that our efforts are in the interest of our community members. The library will continue to develop our relationships with local and state officials to advocate for the importance of libraries as a vital community resource. We will seek out funding and revenue streams as appropriate for a publicly funded institution.
- Objective: Improve relationships with Common Council and County Boards by better informing them of work being done at the Library.
- Objective: To invite each member of the Common Council and each area member of the County Board to attend a meeting of the Library Board annually. To make presentations to the Common Council and County Board at least biennially.
- Objective: To develop a rolling ten year capital plan for maintaining the building and its systems and develop funding for its implementation.
- Objective: To obtain supplemental private donations and state/federal funding equal to 5% of the operational budget and to additionally obtain private donations and state/federal funding for 33% of the cost of major capital projects.
- Objective: To make long range planning an ongoing process of Library development including an annual review of the Plan of Service with a full update every three years.
Approved July 15, 2015 by the McMillan Library Board of Trustees