Sound Space Recording Lab:
Orientation Instructions
Step 1: Watch the video below
Step 2: Take the Quiz
Step 3: You will be contacted via email regarding the results of the quiz and with further instructions.
- Follow the link to the Sound Lab Orientation Video by clicking on the guitar below.
—This new video and orientation method was created to allow the public faster access to the Sound Lab.
—A small quiz on the material covered will follow, so take notes if you are so inclined.
- Follow the link to take the Sound Lab Orientation Quiz by clicking the image below.
—The brief quiz is designed to reinforce a couple points and ensure the orientation materials are reviewed and understood so that you can have the best possible experience with the Sound Lab. You may find it helpful to review the FAQ and Quick Start Guide which can be found at mcmillanlibrary.org/soundlab.

- You will be contacted via email with further instructions regarding the results of the orientation quiz.
—If you get more than one question wrong you may be asked to review the orientation materials again and retake the quiz.
*Once all requirements are met, you may set up a time to come in and have a staff member accompany you in the Sound Lab to answer questions, or if you feel comfortable with the equipment, software, and booking process you can get started by yourself.