Your Photography @ McMillan
Fall ‘23 Exhibit
Deadline: September 15
The theme of our next photography exhibit will be "Seasons". Photos can be landscapes, action shots or anything else that captures the feeling of a season here in Wisconsin or anywhere around the world. Even though this show will be displayed in the fall, you can submit a photo representing any season. Be as imaginative as you like! The photographs can be edited however the photographer chooses but the final result should look good at an image size of 13x19 inches. Photographers are free to use any device that they like to take the pictures but entries must be submitted electronically to enorton [at] mcmillanlibrary.org by 5pm on September 15. Each photographer may submit one photo. We will mat and frame the selections for the exhibit for display in our gallery space and then, after the exhibit, photographers may take home their framed photos. This exhibit will be displayed in October in our lower level gallery space. Visit our online gallery to see photos from past exhibits!
See complete rules below.
Your photographs will be judged by McMillan Library staff. The images will be primarily judged on the overall beauty, power, creativity, skill, and originality of the images. This is a skill-based contest and chance plays no part in the determination of selection for the exhibit. The judging will be ‘blind’, which means the photographer will remain anonymous throughout the judging process to ensure that each contestant is judged solely on his or her photograph. The selections for the exhibit will be determined by McMillan Library staff in accordance with the competition rules. Their decision is final on all matters relating to the competition. McMillan Library is not obliged to enter into any correspondence regarding the judging or organization of the competition.
By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to McMillan Library’s rules and agrees that their entry complies with all requirements set out in the rules. McMillan Library neither assumes nor bears any responsibility for any form or type of loss, damage, or injury incurred as a result of participating in the contest. Content of all images submitted is the responsibility of each entrant. It is the responsibility of each entrant to obtain all relevant model and/or property releases. By submitting images each entrant assures that all images are their original works and no copyright and/or trademark infringement rights have been violated. The copyright holders represent and warrant that submission of the pictures does not breach any law, and further that no third party can hold any claims or any objections regarding the rights granted to the McMillan Library specified above. It is not the responsibility of McMillan Library to obtain model and/or property release forms or to assure/examine protection of trademark infringement rights.
If you submit an image, McMillan Library reserves the right to free reproduction of entered images in all media, but only in connection with this contest and related programs. The copyright will, at all times, be respected by McMillan Library and retained by the photographer. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for the exhibition grant McMillan Library the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, promoting the Library’s programs, promoting exhibitions and subsequent display on the Library’s website of current and past exhibitions. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks for McMillan Library with artist credit. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from McMillan Library.
Photographs must not show the name of a photographer, agency, or publication, or any other information (these details can be included in the metadata of the pictures but must not be visible on the picture itself). All entries must have accurate captions, written in English only, and containing the photographer’s name, date of the photograph, location of the photograph, artist’s website if applicable, and title, if any.
Entrants must be current residents of Wood, Adams, Clark, Jackson, Juneau, Marathon, Portage or Waupaca counties. This competition is open to photographers of all ages. Each entrant may submit one entry. There is no charge to submit an entry.
Selected items will be printed for display in McMillan Library’s gallery space.
McMillan Library will not edit images to alter or improve quality but may crop or enlarge images to fit our final print size of 13 x 19 inches. Photographs which are otherwise worthy of inclusion in a given show but which do not have sufficiently high resolution to print well at this size will not be selected. The size of the original should be a maximum of 13 x 19 inches and a minimum of 5 x 8 inches. Image DPI must be a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 4000.
Image entries should be suitable for display in our gallery space that is open to all ages.
Entries must be submitted by 5pm on September 15, 2023 via email to: enorton [at] mcmillanlibrary.org